Elections are taking place on Thursday 1 May for both the town/parish and unitary tiers of local government, and those candidates who are successfully elected will take up office for a period of four years.
I am the Returning Officer for all town and parish council elections and unitary elections being held within Shropshire Council’s area. I hope that this guidance document will hopefully answer many of your initial queries.
Please be aware however that it is not intended as an authoritative interpretation of the law, and candidates are advised to seek their own legal advice where appropriate, which may involve you contacting the Electoral Commission direct. Their website address, which contains their full email and telephone contact details, is: We strongly recommend that all candidates and their agents, should download and familiarise themselves with Electoral Commission’s comprehensive notes obtainable via the following link:
Guidance for Candidates at Parish council elections in England | Electoral Commission The Electoral Commission is the UK’s independent elections watchdog and provides information on how to stand as a candidate, conduct your election campaign and the current spending limits for candidates.
Andy Begley, Returning Officer The Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 8HQ
See Attached Noice of Elections for Shropshire Council and Wistanstow Parish Council and aslo Guidance Notes on Becoming a Councillor